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Fukuoka – 福岡

·312 words·2 mins

This morning I left my hostel and took a local train to get closer to the highway. I took a 30-minutes walk to the next Service Area (サービスエリア). Accessing it was easy and legal. Like a miracle it just took me less than 5 minutes until a truck driver picked me up.

He was from Hiroshima and could speak English, which was rather impressive. We talked about the European economy, Karma and many other topics. He dropped me at a service area.

My lucky day continued. After 15 minutes a car with three old men stopped and gave me a ride to the service area close to Fukuoka. They were on the way to the south of Kyushu (九州). They were funny old men and the ride was really good. After they dropped me off I tried to get a new ride and two young men approached me. They were hitchhikers from Tokyo and we agreed that we would take turns.

This was not really necessary, because after less than 15 minutes a car stopped. Three young women from Hiroshima were on their way for a shopping trip to Fukuoka. They dropped me off at Tenjin (天神). From there I walked to my business hotel.

A did some sightseeing in Fukuoka and had some delicious Yaki Soba (焼きそば). Fukuoka itself is rather boring. But it also rained a lot today The best part of this stay is the business hotel, where I have my private cabin and a free Sento (銭湯) on the rooftop. I also talked a little to some Japanese Businessmen (サラリーマン) and some of them are really funny.

Tomorrow I will try to get to Nagasaki.

焼きそば - Yaki Soba!
焼きそば - Yaki Soba!

櫛田神社 - Kushida Shrine entrance Gate.
櫛田神社 - Kushida Shrine entrance Gate.

A young woman practising the rites at Kushida Shrine.
A young woman practising the rites at Kushida Shrine.

鳥居 - Torii at Kushida Shrine.
鳥居 - Torii at Kushida Shrine.

聖福寺 - Shofuku Temple.
聖福寺 - Shofuku Temple.

The port of Fukuoaka.
The port of Fukuoaka.