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Gozan no Okuribi – 五山送り火

·299 words·2 mins

On August 16th Kyoto’s famous bonfire festival took place. Gozan no Okuribi roughly translates to “five mountains farewell bonfire”. This festival is also known as Daimonji and is the culmination of the Buddhist festival Obon.

The Obon festival is a has its roots in Buddhist tradition that lasts several days. At the beginning of the festival, the souls of the ancestors revisit their graves and families. And at the end the spirits are being escorted back with lanterns. In Kyoto has a special tradition where not only lanterns are lit by the people, but also five huge bonfires are fired up to escort the spirits back. Each fire is on a different hill surrounding Kyoto and have four different shapes. Two mountains feature a huge 大 which means “big”. The others are: a giant boat shaped fire, one large  and one large  meaning together “excellent methods” or “wondrous dharma”. And finally a giant Torii or gate shaped fire.

I went to Hirosawa Pond, which is close from my apartment to watch the lanterns and the giant Torii. Starting at sun set, people planted lanterns from their boats into the pond, each representing a soul. Around 8 pm when the first bonfire is lit, the pond was full of colourful lanterns.

At 8:20 pm the Torii, which is a big gate, was incinerated. It was rather challenging to take good shots of it.

People praying I
People praying I

The burning Torii II
The burning Torii II

The burning Torii I
The burning Torii I

Two men in a boat putting the lanterns in the pond.
Two men in a boat putting the lanterns in the pond.

The lanterns freshly set out I.
The lanterns freshly set out I.

The lanterns freshly set out II.
The lanterns freshly set out II.

Many people came to look at the lanterns.
Many people came to look at the lanterns.

The wind took the lanterns to the east end of the pond.
The wind took the lanterns to the east end of the pond.

People standing at Hirosawa looking at the laterns.
People standing at Hirosawa looking at the laterns.

People praying II
People praying II